Purposeful Learning Programme
Rishi Vidya School enables every child to enjoy the learning process and realize their full potential through experiential learning, engagement, active learning through participation and exposure to a world of possibilities.
Building Academic Excellence
Brilliance in academics is synonymous with our name, and we understand the importance of academia for higher admissions and we sincerely devote our attention towards maintaining the record of your child and contributing to their steady growth.
Holistic Learning Environment
Emphasizing on children’s holistic development so that they grow into creative, compassionate, intellectual and internationally minded citizens with an Indian soul, Indian heart and an Indian mind.
Who We Are
Rishi Vidya school is inspired by the ideals and objectives of faith which stands for the integration of Indian culture, synthesizing the ancient but ever relevant and spiritual values of India adopted to the need and requirement of modern times.
Spiritual activities, meditation for emotional well-being and chanting of Geeta Shloka are some of the extra-curricular activities. The school has a secular attitude where by all national and religious festivals are celebrated with equal fervor.
The classrooms are well equipped with all the essential learning materials, well ventilated and brightly coloured.
To support theoretical teaching in all subjects, the school has well-equipped and separate laboratories.
we encourage our students to make the full use of our spacious, airy, well-lit & fully furnished library.
eLearning is learning to utilize electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside.
Day-wise variation in our assembly is one of the greatest source of learning to our young minds into multi-faceted and all-round personalities.
Specific bus routes will depend on demand and will be determined at the beginning of each academic year.
What Parent Think About Our School
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